29 November 2010


hey hey bloggers :)
okayyy today aku,aishah(mybestieee),dada,sys nadia,brandon,naizal,abg nazmi,kakak aku,
cikgu denis and cikgu fiza pegi mines.
so sampai2 je kiteorg main bowling. haha.
dpt strike taw. jgn main2 (over la plak) hahaha.
then kiteorg tgk ngangkung. hmm rase tak berbaloi la sbb tak berape best pon.
aku bg 5/10 je la kot. 
so check it out this picture yah guysss.

haha okay actually ade byk lg just mls nk upload je. haha

* korg korg, thanks for today. i am really enjoyyyssss today with u guys <3

okay chow dulu,byee. assalamualaikum :)

27 November 2010

26 november 2010

hello guys,
kayy, so nak cerita sikit ape berlaku mase 26 nov ni.
memandangkan 26 nov ni besday kakak aku, smlm abg nazmi pon plan la nk buat suprise party.
haha, yeahh the party is awesomeee. alhamdulillah berjalan dgn lancar.
and we had a greatt greatt time together. <3
and after that, mlm tu plak mydad bwk kite sume pegi celebrate dkt tarbush.
actly, aku tak berape suke makanan kt kedai ni, tp nk buat mcmne dh ayh aku nk bwk.
follow je la. and suprisingy, nenek n atuk aku form terengganu pon ade. then makcik2 aku sume ade.
mmg best lah kan. :) 
*P/S: nanti besday aku pon nk mcm ni lah. hihi :)

kayy, ni salah satu gambarnyeee <3
kalau nk tgk lg, pergi kt fb je. but not my fb.
org lain punyeee. hihi

okayy chow dulu, byeee

25 November 2010

oh my gucci cant wait for that

hmm seriously cant wait for 4 dec ni. hrp2 dpt pegi.
tak sabarnyeee nk jmpe kim hyun joong yg comelll tuuu.
hehe,okay stop berangan.
yg penting skrg doa supaya parent kasi pegi.
amin :)

*kim hyun joong, wait for me kayy.
i love you <3

24 November 2010

kisah yang 'tiba tiba'

okay okay, pasal tajuk entry ni, ade sesape tak yg curious nak tahu ? haha.
okay let me story about it. hehe.
semalam tiba tiba je aku bosan sgt sgt sgt smpai tak tahu nk buat ape.
then tiba tiba jugak ade 'dia' yang muncul dlm chatbox aku.
haha curious tak nk tahu sape 'dia' tu? sabar sabar akhir entry ni aku bg tahu kayyy?
okay, then lepas lame jugak kite chatting, tiba tiba jugak teringat kisah dulu2.
haha, sumpah rindu gile that momentsss <3
rindu time kite rapat as friend dulu, and even now bile kite dh tak rapat sgt cm dulu, i tetap akan ingat u.
thanks yah for hilangkan rase bosan i. i really appreciate it.
and thanks for being my friend too <3

kayy,ni lah 'dia' tu :)

opsss gamba yg anda cari tidak boleh dipaparkan buat mase ini.
hahaha. sorrryyy bloggers.

okay guysss, chowww dulu.
byee have a nice day!

23 November 2010

novel addicted

assalamualaikum semua,
okay entry kali nk cerita psl 1 novel yg aku baca baru2 ni.
haihh pelik jugak taw sejak dua menjak ni taktahu kenapa aku suke sgt bace novel
kalau sblum ni aku selalu marah kwn2 aku sbb dieorg suke bace novel smpai tak ingt dunia
tp skrg aku pulak yg mcm tu. haha
ok balik pada tajuk. novel yang aku maksudkan tu ialah novel 'prince charming'
novel ni mmg superbbb besttt. btol. mmg sebati btol la dgn jiwe aku. haha
okay ni la novel nyee. tengok muke dpn je mmg nmpk best kan? hehe.
nmpk sweet gitu. mmg sesuai untk remaja mcm aku. hehe.

okay guys chow dulu. byeeee :)

17 November 2010

selamat hari raya haji semuaaa

okay hello guys whats up :)
so, hari raye haji kali ni aku smbut secare sederhana sje.
mcm gamba diatas tu . hihi
okay tadi aku bangun2 je org dh selesai solat raye.
haihh terlepas la pulak. :(
lpastu aku siap2 terus turun rumah nenek aku.
makan rendang paling sedap didunia yg dibuat oleh nenek aku.
btol sumpah sedap. kalau tak percaye nty aku bg korg rase.
hahaha :D
then lepas makan2, tidur je la ape lg. haha. raye kali ni aku xde
pegi mane2 pon. just duduk rumah makan tidur makan tidur.
haha. yela nk pegi mane2 tak boleh sbb mak aku bru je keluar hospital
and she's cant drive yet. so its okay duduk kt rumah pon best ape.
boleh online sepuas2 hati. hihi :)

okay la guys gtg. chowww
selamat hari raya aidiladha :)

13 November 2010

a good day for wind to blow

assalammualaikum blogger2 sekalian,
ok merujuk kepade tajuk di atas, aku nk cerite sket la psl 1 cite korea ni.
mmg best ! aku mmg addicted kt cite ni jugak.
dhlah hero dye hensem, adoi mmg gugur jantung aku.
haha. tipu la tu smpai jantung gugur kan. :D
okay take a look kt gamba2 ni k,
ni lah cerita nyeee <3 sukesukeeee

ha! ni lah hero dye. hehe. cute kan cute kan ? hihi. i likeeeee <3

ade tak sesape suke jugak kt cite ni ? yeah jom high 5!
n for those yg tak tgk lg, try la tgk. besttt.
kalau yg part sedih tu confirm menitis air mate.
btol. (sbb aku penah alami) haha

okay la chow dulu, byebye :)
have a nice day.

09 November 2010


hey hey,
haihhh episod SUNGKYUNKWAN SCANDAL hari ni mmg best gilee.
sedih ade happy pon ade.
klau korg sume nk tawu aku mmg addicted gile kt cerita ni.
tak boleh tertinggal walau 1 saat pon.
kalau tertinggal 1 saat je mesti aku pegi tgk blk kt internet.
haha,klaka kot smpai mcmtu skali.
ha! yang ni aku sukeee gileeee.
no touchie2 okay.
he's mine <3
haaha :D
hmm tu je kot for entry kali ni.
will update later ok byeeee :)


heloo guys :)
so this is mynew blog. pliss follow k.
since this is my new blog, so i will tell a little about myself tht i think u guys should know.
*fullname: wan nur aisha bt wan kamaazmi
*age: 15 to be (28april1996)
*fb: search me at 'wan nur aisha'
*address: sorry i cant give the specific address. but it is somewhere near hulu lgt. 
*student of sekolah seri suria.
*i dont like people talking behind me,backstabber,liars and semua yang jahat2 tu .
*p/s: i dont like people simply passing my number without my permission.

hmmm i think thats all tht u guys should know. i will tell u more laterr yahhh :)
byeee <3