30 Disember 2010

malaysia menang dpt cuti wokk ! jgn jeles ye indonesia

1st of all alhamdulillah malaysia telah berjaya dlm piala suzuki ni. thanks a lot to our football player yg sudah mengharumkan nama malaysia ni. thanks guys. seriously u guys did a gooood job! thanks to our handsome keeper, khairul fahmi che mat (KFCM). korg2 diluar tu tak usah nk berangan la nk dpt dye. dye dh ade gf yg cun gitu. tak caya? tgk blog ni: kak elia. hehe. cube korg bace kisah2 how they met and kisah cinta dorg sumpahhh jeles siot. haha sweet sgt dorg ni. oh ye and thanks also to my bf/our beloved hero, safee sali kerana telah menjaring kan byk goal. safee, anda mmg lyk dpt anugerah top scorer itu <3 hehe i love you safee sali.

good job guys!
our hero / my safee :) 

thanks PM sbb bg cuti hari jumaat ni sempena malaysia mng :)

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